We all know that when more people are involved, more gets done. This is certainly true at the Dalgarno Trust.  We have a small core staff and we rely on the support and involvement of volunteers to really make a difference to our community.

If you would like to become a member of our volunteer team – we’d love to hear from you.  Your experience as a volunteer will count as work experience and hold you in good stead with prospective employers.

To find out more about the different roles on offer, please click on these links:

Volunteering at Reception

Volunteering at Dalgarno Trust’s Foodbank

Volunteering with Dalgarno Youth Programme

Volunteering with Community Champions

There are also opportunities for corporate volunteers to come in on a one-off basis to help, especially at our foodbank.

Your contribution is priceless and valued by everyone at the Trust and in the community.  And if you know people like you who can make a difference in our community, please put them in touch with us.

If you click on the link below you can hear our Volunteer coordinator, Pam Bardouille and volunteers, Yhen and Fifi talk about volunteering at the Dalgarno Trust and our foodbank on Radio 4’s In Business programme.   You can hear them 10 minutes into the programme talking to Claire Bolderson.

Listen here

Here’s what our volunteers say about their experience with us:


“I feel that I have developed, as it has brought out new skills and different aspects to my character which I have not seen or used before.”

“It’s been very satisfying to know that one can make a difference to somebody else’s life.”

“The project has meant a lot to me as it helped me with my interpersonal skills in listening attentively without being judgemental or bias.”

“I gained valuable employable and learning experiences. I liked putting a smile on the participants faces and offering them hope.”

Case Studies



Louise has been volunteering at Dalgarno Trust for two years, and helps every week at our food bank. She says:

‘I love volunteering at Dalgarno because I love being able to give back to my community and meeting new people. It’s been a chance for me to grow as a person and build my confidence. I help at the food bank, and it’s nice to know that we have been able to make a people’s lives. Everyone at Dalgarno is so welcoming and friendly, we are all like one big family.’
